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 AtlStuck Call To Arms

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PostSubject: AtlStuck Call To Arms   AtlStuck Call To Arms Icon_minitimeSun Jun 09, 2013 4:04 am

AtlStuck Call To Arms Tumblr_inline_mo447yS05U1qz4rgp

We are looking for anyone and everyone who is interested in helping to make AtlantaStuck a better place. We want everyone’s opinions no matter what it is, how big, how small. Every opinion is valid in making the group a better place.
Why, do you ask?~
AtlantaStuck has done something great. We, as a fandom, have created a community outside of the internet, outside of conventions. A real place where we can find lasting friendships and connect with artists and fan alike to inspire and aspire to the greatness that we all know is within us.
Since Homestuck is on hiatus there has been an obvious decline in attendance and communication in the group. We have taken this “lull” to work out all the knots that have been tied up within the group. This includes the attitudes of the moderators, and taking the time to consider what it is that the group actually wants along with any other issues that you think need to be fixed.
Danni S. Is the owner of the AtlantaStuck blog on tumblr. She has been around since the very begining and watched over the group with an open mind, taking in concerns and trying her best to always move the group in the right direction.
Danny C. Is a newcomer to the group with a big heart and even bigger ideas. With his talented voice and the great fire that burns for the group he has vowed to make Atlstuck the thriving community that it once was.
The Plan:~
What we wish to do is have a Skype conversation with as many members as want to join it. There we will have an extensive, moderated discussion where everyone who wishes to may voice his or her opinion on what they want to see done to improve the group. Anyone who wishes to join should comment his or her Skype name or add Danny on Skype and tell him that you wish to be a part of the chat. His Skype name is “danny.congleton1” without the quotes. The discussion will be held on Tuesday, 11 June at 8 PM. As an aside, the forum will also be opened for this discussion as well.

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